
Mental Health California™ and Blue Shield of California’s BlueSky initiative announce a new campaign, Into the ClassroomStudent Mental Health Awareness Multimedia Series. The Into the Classroom multimedia is appropriate for middle school to college-aged students. The series promotes student mental-wellness and provides Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) education for all students (Tier 1). Our offerings also include a Learning Library and web-based courses accessible from any device. For information on how to partner with Into the Classroom, please click the link below.

click here: into the classroom partners brochure

program objectives:

  • Increase PEI and anti-stigma efforts around mental health to end prolonged suffering.

  • Eliminate barriers to mental health information and care.

  • Expand opportunities to discuss mental health among diverse and underserved communities.

  • Increase mental health support between peers, particularly in distress situations.

  • Provide schools and community groups with opportunities for free mental health education to improve health outcomes and quality of life.

  • Increase attention to self-care through integration of natural and holistic remedies for health improvement.

free mental health education for schools and community groups

Mental Health California’s Into the Classroom Student Mental Health Awareness Multimedia Series equips classrooms and youth groups with original, engaging content designed to foster student mental health education and awareness. Our media and tools are tailored for middle school through college-aged students. Participating classrooms actively engage students using our multimedia presentations, videos, and handouts. The program’s overarching goal is to enhance mental health awareness and provide Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) education. This free Tier 1 service is designed for all students.



CLICK BELOW TO access a folder to download videos, visual presentations, handouts, podcasts, and webinars

multimedia assets folder

CLICK BELOW TO access our free web-based courses

innovative rise 360 courses

CLICK BELOW TO access our free learning library

education for students, parents, and caregivers